Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A year already??

On April 30 it was our first anniversary!!! I can't believe how fast our first year has gone by! We have definitely had a busy year though with building, moving, holidays and BAM here it is one year later! Its been a great year and we have had a lot of fun together!

We had an awesome anniversary! On the 30th we went to Supercross with Bodie's dads family, that was my first time going and I for sure want to go again!! I had so much fun, those riders are so talented! (or just plain crazy!)

After we went to Supercross we stayed in a hotel up in Salt lake, because we had to be to the airport at 4:30 a.m! When Bodie woke me up he was like can you here those people? There was like this guy and lady SCREAMING at each other! We were so freaked out, all I wanted to do was go back to our little happy house, in our little happy town of MONA! They were yelling the scariest stuff at each other (I won't repeat it)  but once we were safely on our way to the airport all I could think about was how grateful I was to have a husband like Bodie and the life that we have together.

So we made it to Long Beach safely, and got on our cruise! I was so excited to get to the 85 degree weather!! We did an 8 day 7 night Mexican Riviera cruise. This was our 3rd cruise together it was really fun, but I still like the Carribean better. Our first stop was in Cabo San Lucas, we actually had 2 days there so our first day we shopped and did a glass bottom boat tour to Lovers Beach and some other beach. It was really fun and relaxing, until of course you get bomb-barrded (spelling?) by all the people that are selling the crap that they "made by hand" even though they ALL have the same exact things and they ALL claim that they "make it by hand".

Lovers Beach

Those are sea lions on the rock

So on our second day in Cabo we of course did a.... Horse ride on the beach! (as if we don't ride enough horses at home right?) BUT we had never rode on a beach before so now we can say we have! Ha ha, I think we were missing our horses a little bit... but it was really so much fun! We rode along the beach and it was super cool when the big waves would come in, it felt like we were going to be swept out to sea! Most of the waves would come up to the horses stomach. Then we started running them down the beach, it was so funny because the guide was really scared until he realized we knew how to ride horses. He said we were the first to ever run his horses, so after that we ran a lot!

Our last stop was in Puerto Vallarta, here we did an extreme zip lining tour. It included zip lining, repelling, tubing and a donkey ride! It was a ton of fun, the guides were hilarious! There were some other people in our group, a guy and a girl and then their friend named Danny. I guess Danny isn't very adventurous and he doesn't like to go out and do anything so his friends signed them all up to do this excursion but didn't tell him what they were going to be doing. So he had NO idea until he got there what he was going to have to do, so lets just say he wasn't as "thrilled" as we were. I felt bad for him, but at the same time it was pretty funny watching him. He was such a trooper, because I have to admit it definitely wasn't the safest excursion we've ever done before!! Safety definitely didn't come first! There were a few times I wanted to just scoot down the mountain! ha ha but I did it! (Can't say I would do it again).  But after we finished it he (Danny) said he had fun, so I guess it was good his friends signed him up to do it!

We had lots of fun on the ship, we ate, ate some more, then we ate again and after we ate more!! (ha ha or at least that's what it felt like!) The unlimited ice cream was the hardest thing to resist, pretty sure every time we walked by we would get an ice cream cone! Its vacation right?? Bodie won 500 dollars playing texas hold em and I think I lost 500 playing black jack! Just kidding I only lost 25 but I'm so cheap it felt like 500, I don't really like throwing money away!

Awesome sunset!

And of course a Towel pal!!

We had such a great time and I'm soo glad we were able to go! We came home to a rain storm, but hey what else should we expect in MAY!?!


  1. I kept forgetting to save your blog address on mine! But it was fun reading about your trip! Next time I think we will do a cruise it sounds way fun!

  2. Jo! I just found your blog! I need to add you. :) Mine is private. So if you wanna see it send me your email to nicole_davis@live.com Looks like you guys had a blast. I havent seen you in such a long time. I think we need to have a girls night soon. Keep in touch.

  3. Savannah- You would love a cruise they are really fun! It looks like you guys had fun on your trip too! Anywhere with a beach and hot weather is great to be!
    Nikki- Okay I will send my email right now!! Yes we all really need to do a girls night for sure!! Good to hear from you!!

  4. Im so jeleous! Your trip sounded way fun :) Im so happy for you and Bodie, you look so happy together!
